
Our Services / Emergency Visits

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Emergency Visits services offered in Tustin, CA

Dental emergencies can arise at any time of day or night. Having a trusted dental team can make all the difference, which is why Sandi E. Silva, DDS, Inc. offers emergency visits to patients in and around Tustin, California. If you find yourself in need of emergency dental care, call the office to determine next steps, and remember that online booking is an option for less urgent dental care needs.

Emergency Visits Q & A

What dental issues can require emergency visits?

One way to think about dental emergencies is to consider if your dental need can wait to be seen during a routinely scheduled office visit. If the answer is “no,” then emergency dental care is likely the right course of action. 

Some of the issues that can be treated in an emergency dental setting include:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Lacerations to your gums, tongue, or other soft tissues
  • Object lodged between teeth or in gum tissue
  • Severe pain
  • Signs of infection
  • Abscess

Don’t accept pain and other troubling symptoms as inevitable when there are treatments that can help.

How should I respond to a dental emergency?

Dental emergencies usually arise with little warning, and knowing how to respond can help ensure a positive outcome. If you’ve been involved in a traumatic accident or sports injury, begin by assessing your immediate safety. Take steps to remove yourself from harm’s way, and determine if you need emergency medical care. 

If your dental emergency occurs at home and is not linked to a traumatic or sports injury, consider whether over-the-counter pain medication might be enough to control discomfort until you can schedule an office visit. If not, call immediately to check appointment availability. 

Signs of infection like swelling, red or darkened gums, fever, or a sensation of warmth in the area should be taken seriously. Infection can spread quickly, and if it reaches your bloodstream, it can cause widespread health problems. 

What should I do for a knocked-out tooth?

Knocked-out, or avulsed, teeth are among the most common types of dental emergencies that Dr. Silva sees. Knowing how to respond to this common dental emergency can make the difference between saving or losing your tooth. 

Begin by trying to find the tooth, rinsing it under a gentle stream of water if there is dirt or debris on the tooth. Take care to avoid touching the portion of your tooth that was normally covered by your gum tissue. This area has living cells, and touching them can prevent successful replantation.

Try to place the tooth back into its socket, and hold it in place by gently biting down on a piece of gauze or clean cloth. You can also place the tooth in the space between your cheek and gum tissue. Putting the tooth in a small container and covering it with lukewarm milk can also be helpful while you get to the dentist.

No matter what your dental emergency, call Sandi E. Silva, DDS, Inc. to learn your next steps. Less time-sensitive booking needs can be handled through online scheduling, which is also an option.

Sandi Silva, DDS